My post last week was about developing a GAME plan for becoming more confident in two indicators of the NETS-T. This week, I am taking a look at the information and resources I might need in order to carry out my GAME plan.
Once again, the first indicator I am working on is 2b: “Teachers develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.” I have said that my action will include a better understanding of my students’ diverse learning styles, which will help me to provide opportunities for them to practice with a variety of technology tools and skills, pinpointing the ones that they feel confident in using. In order to carry out my GAME plan for this indicator, I will need to access information from previous years’ summative assessments and behavior logs. I will also need a plan for implementing formative assessments throughout the year. Additionally, I will need to have access to, and follow, students IEPs and 504-plans to ensure special needs of students are being met. Ahead of time, I will need to ensure that I am comfortable using Wikis, Blogs, and Discussion Boards, and that they are set up and ready to go when I want to use them. Additional resources I am interested in trying in order to develop a technology-enriched learning environment is polling software and personal response clickers.

The second indicator I am working on is 4a: “Teachers advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.” I have said that the action I will take to achieve this goal is to develop and implement an introductory lesson on What the Web is, how to use it, and how to be smart about it. I would like for the lesson to include computer basics, Internet basics, how to search the Web, and how to use information found on the Web. Additionally, I feel that I need to go further to inform students of the legal issues of the Web and how to be safe about using and posting on the Web. In order to carry out my GAME plan for this indicator, I first need to ensure that I am fully aware of the legal issues of the Web, and work with my School-Based Technology Specialist (SBTS) in order to develop a lesson plan to use with students. I plan to use my SBTS as a resource not only in the planning stages, but to have them in my classes, assisting with the delivery of the lesson as well. I need to access such resources as ethical and acceptable use policies and ensure that my students (and their parents) also have access to them. I will also need to ensure that I have access to, and feel confident in, using the technology platform that will be used to deliver the lesson, as well as the student technology (laptops or desktop computers) for students to practice with during the lesson.
If anyone can make suggestions on information and resources I have overlooked, please leave comments! Thanks!!
National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at