Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Establishing a GAME Plan for NETS-T

Ensuring that teachers are confident in the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) has never been more important. We will do our students a disservice by not become proficient ourselves in 21-Century technology skills, and infusing them seamlessly into our lessons. In order to continue doing this, I have identified two NETS-T indicators in which I feel I need more work in order to become more confident and proficient to support my students.

The first indicator is 2b: “Teachers develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.” The action I will take in order to achieve this goal includes understanding my students’ diverse learning styles, providing opportunities for students to learn a variety of technology tools and skills, find the ones that they feel confident in using, and encouraging them to try new ones with which they are not familiar. I also need to prepare myself for the reality that I probably do not have all of the answers, so my students may be the experts in using technology that is introduced to my classroom, and that is okay! I plan to monitor my progress through student observations and reflections throughout the learning process, assessment of student projects and assignments, as well as formative and summative assessment data. In order to evaluate and extend my learning I will use assessment data to drive my instruction, as well as to drive my choice of technology tools. I will also self-reflect on how my teaching has adapted to fit the needs of my students and on what I have learned in the process.

The second indicator is 4a: “Teachers advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.” The action I will take to achieve this goal is to develop and implement an introductory lesson on The Web: What it is, how to use it, and how to be smart about it. The lesson will include computer basics, Internet basics, how to search the Web, and how to use information found on the Web. Students must also be aware of the legal issues of the Web and how to be safe about using and posting on the Web. This is something that must be done before I can launch any inquiry-based unit, for my own peace of mind! In order to monitor my progress, I will observe student use of the computer and Internet, and use formative and summative assessment data to drive my instruction and to help me determine when students are ready to move to the next level, or into an inquiry-based unit. Evaluating and extending my learning will be a continuous process with this indicator. As my students and I move through this lesson and put into practice what has been learned, there will be issues and new lessons that will crop up and cause me to pause or take a step back. I am anxious to self-reflect and evaluate my own learning and progress in this area, as it is new territory for me! I have always assumed that my students are learning about this indicator from someone else, but I can no longer assume that, but must assume responsibility for my own students’ learning of technology, even if I teach science.


  1. Holly,

    It seems that you have a great GAME plan for both standards that you want to work on. I do not have any concerns because you are set. The only thing I was wondering is if I can suggest something for helping your students manage their own learning. What if you use a specific program such as Destination Math which is a program that teachers set up what the students need to work on and based on their activities and assessments, the program assigns extra individual goals to help them reach their ultimate goal. Do you know of any programs similar to that because I am always on the look out for more as well.

    Great job!

  2. Veronica,

    Do you know if there is such a program for science? It sounds like something I would be interested in using!


  3. Holly, I am so sad to say but I do not know of such a program for science. However, I did some research and found a site that provides a place where you can create assessments based on the skills YOU want to put. Check it out :

    hope you like it


  4. Holy,

    I liked reading your GAME plan. It seems like you have what you need to work on and the ways that you can approach these items down. I only was wondering about one thing, what will you do to make sure that the students know how to correctly use the internet? Is this something that you feel confident in doing or do you have a computer specialist in your school that would be able to do this for you?

    I love your enthusiasm that you have for science. The students always seem to like teachers when they have such a passion for teaching. Great work!

    Michael Henry

  5. Hi Michael,

    I do have a School Based Technology Specialist at my school that will definitely help me out, especially when it comes to our school's Acceptable Use Policy. Having taken the last Walden course (EDUC 6712), I do feel more confident than before about teaching and modeling my students' use of the Internet. Unfortunately, I have seen many of my students' Facebook pages and I am disappointed and embarassed by what I often see. I feel that it is no longer a question about what I need to do for my students...they need as much exposure to appropriate Internet behavior as possible!


  6. that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.” In designing lessons that fulfill this goal as an educator, I am providing an opportunity for my students to fulfill NETS-S 1b, which states that students “create original works as a means of personal or group expression
